Golf is a game of precision, strategy, and endurance, and when you're talking about a world record-setting journey like the RGV Tour 2.0, the numbers tell an incredible story. Let's take a look at the statistical highlights of Patrick's golfing adventure, where every stroke, swing, and putt contributed to a truly legendary achievement.
Update to the article 1/3/2024: The article was originally published on 11/1/2023, and the statistics below are gathered from the first 450 rounds on 450 different golf courses, when the new world record was set.
On Tuesday 1/2/2024 Patrick played the final round of The RGV Tour 2.0 and his year-long journey and the world record stands at a staggering 580 different 18-hole golf courses! The final round was played at the world famous Chambers Bay Golf where over 70 players participated in the final event.
Click here to see the results and photos from the spectacular final round.
Scorecard Highlights:
• BEST SCORE: 67 - Patrick's shining moment on the RGV Tour 2.0 – some serious golfing on the Boulder Course at Cimarron Golf Resort playing the Champions Tee.
• LONGEST DRIVE: 381 yards - The moment he unleashed the beast and sent the ball flying into golfing history on the 15th hole at Omni Interlocken Resort.
• HOLE IN ONES: 0 - No aces, but plenty of other achievements to make up for it! It's always good to have something to chase after.

The Stroke-By-Stroke Analysis:
• TOTAL STROKES: A whopping 34,785 - Each swing representing a step closer to the record.
• PLAYED HOLES: An astounding 8,100 - Patrick's journey took him through countless fairways and greens.
Eagles, Birdies, and Pars - Oh My!
• EAGLES: 16 - Those rare and glorious moments when Patrick surpassed below par.
• BIRDIES: 723 - A frequent visitor to the RGV Tour 2.0!
• PARS: 4,873 - Consistency, composure, and countless well-played holes.
Navigating the Fairways:
• FAIRWAYS HIT: 4,473 - Patrick's ability to find the fairway was a key ingredient in his success.
• MISSED LEFT: 851 - Sometimes the longer grass lured him to the left.
• MISSED RIGHT: 976 - And sometimes, the ball danced off to the right.

Dancing on the Greens
• GREENS HIT: 4,698 - His precision approach shots gave him many opportunities for birdies.
• GREENS MISSED: 3,402 - Even the best have their off-days, but Patrick remained undeterred.
The Art of Putting:
• TOTAL PUTTS: 14,805 - The magic touch on the greens that sealed the deal.
Chips, Sand Saves, and Penalties:
• CHIPS: 2,791 - The short game that saved par more times than we can count.
• BUNKER SHOTS: 1,085 - Sand traps couldn't always hold him back.
• PENALTIES: 493 - A reminder that even in the midst of greatness, there were a few bumps along the way.

On the Road:
• MILES DRIVEN: 28,350 - The distance covered to conquer golf courses all across the United States.
• COUNTRIES: USA, Finland, and Sweden – The RGV Tour 2.0 didn't stop at state lines. Patrick took his love for golf and world-record pursuit across borders, playing in not just one country but three in this extraordinary adventure.
• NUMBER OF STATES: 40 - Patrick's golfing journey spanned a vast landscape, uniting golfers from different corners of the country.
These numbers, like strokes on the scorecard, add up to an incredible golfing journey that broke the world record, inspired fellow golfers, and showed the world that with passion and determination, anything is possible.
Explore even more statistics from the RGV Tour 2.0 by following Patrick Koenig on Golf GameBook.