
Tag: Golf GameBook App

Golf GameBook’s Year in Review 2017

2017 has been a very eventful year for Golf GameBook. Our community has grown around the world and we thank you for that! We could keep describing how exciting our year has been, but instead we would like to present it in a slightly more colorful way…   Globetrotters Can you guess the amount of…

Meet #GBambassador Jason

GameBook already has over 100 Ambassadors around the world actively golfing and spreading the word about the app. We’ve introduced some of our Ambassaors to you and this time we’re interviewing Jason from USA. When did you begin golf? I was 14 when I first played golf. Like most teenagers, I did not have any…

Robban’s 2000 rounds with GameBook

As we all know, it is rather difficult to find the time to golf sometimes. I mean who wishes that they would have a bit more time to golf instead of sitting at the office? There is a man though, who plays golf around 8 times per week. We introduced him to you in our…

Meet our Ambassadors: Finland

It’s time to introduce one of our Ambassadors in Finland, Jenni. Spring has finally arrived to Finland and Jenni is excited for the golf season to soon begin. Jenni started playing golf at the age of ten. Her family inspired her to begin the game, as her mom, dad and brother were spending every weekend…

Meet our Ambassadors: Sweden

In this blog series we are introducing the GameBook Ambassadors. Last week we traveled to Australia to meet Jonathan. This time we are going to meet Petter from Sweden. Petter describes himself with the following phrase: I Hate to Lose! He started golf at the age of 10, in his hometown Västervik in Sweden at Ekhagens Golf Course….

Two guys and a tennis ball

It was the year 2006 and both me and the other GameBook co-founder Kalle Väinölä had spent most of our adult lives playing competitive golf. We had made it to tournaments on The Challenge Tour and even The European Tour, but hadn’t really succeeded in making the final breakthrough. As it began to dawn on…

Heading to Stanford Next

Hey Guys! Happy Easter! Easter golf rounds will be played with the simulator here in Finland, because in some reason it’s still freezing cold here! Over -10 degrees (Celsius) last night again. To be honest was a bit depressing when watch the news yesterday and found out that exactly six yrs ago +17,8 degrees was…

Mobile Live Scoring on College Golf Tournaments

Hello friends! This time from Wilmington, North Carolina. We’re here to provide live scoring for Women’s college golf tournament in coming weekend. Last weekend we lauched GameBook mobile live scoring service for college golf tournaments at the Golf Club of Georgia on The United States Collegiate Championship (USCC), hosted by Georgia Tech. Everything went well…

Rambling Wreck Cup, East Lake GC and the USCC 2012

Greetings from Atlanta! Part of GameBook’s team is here to provide our Live Scoring system for different tournaments. Last Tuesday we had honor to provide scoring for Georgia Tech College’s fundraising tournament called Rambling Wreck Cup at the Golf Club of Georgia. See photos from that day! That was my first visit at that course….