
Tag: Stanford Men’s Golf

Heading to Stanford Next

Hey Guys! Happy Easter! Easter golf rounds will be played with the simulator here in Finland, because in some reason it’s still freezing cold here! Over -10 degrees (Celsius) last night again. To be honest was a bit depressing when watch the news yesterday and found out that exactly six yrs ago +17,8 degrees was…

Our Year 2012 in a Nutshell

Hey everybody! Firstly, Best wishes for year 2013 to all – hope you had a fantastic New Year’s Eve as well as holiday season between Xmas and NYE! We, at least, are now well-rested, been eating well (maybe too well) and ready for another great year! We can justifiably say that past year was a…

Good times at Stanford

Hi folks! Long time no hear, sorry about that! However I have a very good reason for my radio silence. That is to say I just got back from the U.S. where I spent two weeks with Mikko Rantanen. Interesting weeks, lots of great stuff happened and I can honestly say we are more than…