Product Updates

On this page we will be updating Tournament Manager’s new features.

March–April 2024

  • Info field for leaderboard
  • Open and Share tournament site
  • Division can be mandatory
  • Limit multiround tournaments to max. 8 rounds
  • Integration for Stripe
  • Non-club TM customers cannot any longer see player emails
  • Improved update handicap feature
  • Increased image size for Branding

January–February 2024

  • Habla Español!
  • Year selector for calendar
  • New, improved online payment logic
  • Apple ID login for tournament Sign Up

August–December 2023

  • Improved Sign-Up confirmation email
  • Editing partial team Sign-Up
  • Hidden Holes for divisions
  • Show player amount in TM Site
  • Tour Site – show and organize events better
  • Adjust TV leaderboard scrolling speed
  • New and improved Cart Sign prints
  • Dark color headers are better visible if dark mode is used
  • Improved Summary page
  • Add Start hole and time for Players list as extra info
  • Edit teebox for played Weekly rounds

June–July 2023

  • Notify HiO correctly in contest leaderboards
  • New login page
  • Edit hcp used in already played round with weekly tournaments
  • Unnecessary settings disabled from weekly tournaments

March–May 2023

  • Match Play Bracket
  • Course location map for Tournament Site
  • Selecting Game Formats is now more logical
  • Improvements for maintaining and using accurate Course Data
  • Weekly leaderboard now show date, tee and hcp for played rounds
  • Partial team sign up

January–February 2023

  • Responsive Tournament Site
  • Responsive Tour Site
  • Reports – search tournament rounds and players
  • Improvements for error management
  • Sending Summary – page for tournament players
  • Improvements for timezone usage

December 2022

  • Service management tools improved and updated
  • Improvements for handicap related settings
  • Better visibility for Divisions in Tournament Site
  • Contests visible at TV-Leaderboard
  • Improvements for 9 hole tournaments

October–November 2022

  • Contest results visible at Tournament Site
  • Admin can edit contest results
  • Improvements for how errors are shown
  • Translation and language version improvements
  • Last holes hidden from players are visible for admins
  • Last holes hidden from players are visible in printouts
  • Partial Team Sign Up
  • Improvements for Team Sign Up
  • Small improvements and fixes

August–September 2022

  • Divisions for Admin leaderboard view
  • Change player order within start groups
  • Improvements for how players are removed from tournament
  • Delete round from multi-round tournament
  • Improvements for HCP Rounds view
  • Improvements for automated emails
  • Fixes for contest result saving and displaying

July 2022

  • Printouts:
    • Cart Signs
  • Ability to hide groups / teams that are full
    • Makes it a lot easier to build larger events when you can filter out all the full teams / groups
    • Same feature in Players and Groups and Startlist sections
  • Bug fixes to Event Manager role
  • Re-structuring and re-design for Tournament Site
    • All the relevant information in drop-down menus
    • Scroll element added to the info box
  • Ability to remove rounds from a multi round tournament (to be released)

May–June 2022

  • Performance optimisation
    • TM admin tool is now quicker especially in Players and Start List sections
    • Tested with +350 players
  • New features to weekly events
      • Side game
      • Tie break
  • Usability improvements to Tournament List
    • Filter the tournaments on the tournament list: Upcoming, year + month
  • New print-outs
    • Results
    • Start times
    • Cart signs (July)
    • Contest results (July)
  • Improvements to excel import

March–April 2022

  • Send automatic emails to players from Tournament Manager: Let players know when start list is published by sending them email directly from the start list. You can also add a note to the email message (Released)
  • Improvements to team entries and sign up: After this release, you can have reserve list also in team games (Released)
  • Improvements to print-outs 
  • New and improved admin tools
    • Grouping and sorting tournaments in the tournament list (Estimate April 14th)
  • New features to weekly events (Released)
    • Add side game
    • Add tie break
  • Improvements to printouts (Released)
    • Improvements to start lists and results
    • New prints: Cart signs
  • Set max handicap index for a tournament (Released)
  • Fix to am/pm bug (Released)
  • Ability to modify ranking points in a preview window when sending the points in the Results and Options section

February 2022

  • Copy tournaments: Tournament settings, Tournament Site settings + branding, Players and Groups and Start list (1.2.2022)
  • Manual divisions: Until now we have had only automatic divisions in place (based on age, gender and HCP). Now you can also create manual divisions. Players can either sign up to a division or the admin can add a player to a certain division. (28.2.2022)
  • Start list from cumulative leaderboard: New option to fill start list in multi round events; create start list from reversed leaderboard order. (28.2.2022)
  • Improvements to hidden holes: After you have ended the round, you can release the hidden holes by Publishing the scores. You don’t need to go back to round setup and remove the hidden holes (28.2.2022)

January 2022

  • Internal notes: Tournaments → Settings → Add internal notes. These are only visible to tournament admins
  • Remove all players: Ability to remove all players from the tournament at the same time
  • Create empty teams: As we have in Groups&Start list, now you can create empty teams based on total number of players and default team size. After this you can drag and drop players into the right teams. In addition, you can automatically fill the teams.
  • Some bug fixes and UX improvements here and there


  • New Tournament Manager was released and during the year we introduced single round (individual and team), multi round (individual and team) and weekly tournaments
  • During the year we had more than 20 releases and we introduced new features and also made improvements to existing ones. Please see the short video below to get a basic understanding of the product.