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Golf GameBook partners with Swedish Golf Federation


Golf GameBook partners with Swedish Golf Federation
Gold scorecard mapGold scorecard map

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, June 27, 2018 – Golf tech frontrunner Golf GameBook has partnered with Swedish Golf Federation in an effort to further expand the federation’s digital ecosystem within the Swedish market. Golf GameBook, Golfers Sweden AB and the Swedish Golf Federation will unify efforts to expand the Min Golf Booking application offering.

“The overall digital evolution within golf is enabling the creation of an ecosystem that can ultimately play an important role in not only growing the game but making it more fun for everyone. This partnership will act as a first step towards a more unified and holistic user experience for golfers in the Swedish market.” – says Mikko Manerus, CEO and founder of Golf GameBook.

Before, during and after the golf round

The first stage of this partnership will improve the ways in which users can discover new golf courses, book tee times, synchronize their bookings, and leverage an easy to use digital scorecard with multiple game formats and enhanced statistics.

“We have recently released the booking app “Min Golf Bokning” where all Swedish golf courses are bookable. Adding a connection directly to the Golf GameBook is a modern way to meet the golfers in a digital environment they already are used to. Golf Gamebook has over 100.000 users in Sweden today and we hope this collaboration makes booking and scoring a little easier for them.” – says Eva Bergström, Head of Golfens IT-System at the Swedish Golf Federation.

GameBook continues expansion in Sweden

With over 100,000 registered users in Sweden as well as over 2,5M rounds played to date, Golf GameBook continues to expand its offering within the market.

“Sweden has always been an important market for us and we will continue to work closely with our GameBook users to co-create the best possible user experience. Partners such as the Swedish Golf Federation also play an important role in this overall evolution and we are truly excited about the road ahead.” – says Manerus.

Finland based Golf GameBook provides a wide range of features designed to make the overall playing experience more enjoyable. GameBook has 600.000 registered users across more than 200 countries. The app can be downloaded through the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android.

Media contact information:

Mikko Manerus, Golf GameBook, CEO, Founder | +358-40 830 6574 | mikko.manerus(a)

Susanne Persson, Head of Communications, Swedish Golf Federation | +46 70 969 4606 | susanne.persson(a)

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