Advertise on Golf GameBook

Reach golfers around the world through Golf GameBook advertising solutions
+1.5 MillionUsers
+35 MillionRounds Played
+100 Advertisers On Golf GameBook

Why advertise on Golf GameBook

Unique Audience

High disposable income, a love for cars and travel, but most of all, love for golf. Over 78% of our users play over 15 rounds of golf per year.

Scalable visibility

Instead of advertising at a single golf club, why not address golfers nationally? Scale from local to national or global playing field.

Unique engagement solutions

Establish meaningful relationships with our users and, ultimately, drive your business objectives.

Wide range of advertising solutions

Whether you’re looking for awareness, engagement or highly targeted activations based on behavioral data, we have the perfect solutions for you.

Our Top Solutions


Challenges are the perfect tool for driving engagement, arranging competitions for golfers and collecting leads for your sales team. Create activations for your target audience locally, nationally or globally in a memorable way!

Challenges are the perfect solution for Lead Generation, Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty.

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Start Screen Advertisement

Reach golfers immediately when they open their Golf GameBook app. Create awareness around your brand while driving traffic to your campaign site.

Start Screen Advertisement is the perfect solution for Driving Traffic (CTR around 5%) and Brand Awareness.

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Weekly Takeover

Take over the entire app – for a week! Weekly Takeover is perfect to get the maximal visibility to your campaign launch. Tell your story through-out the user journey from the moment they open the app, all the way through their golf round, and re-target them when they come back the next time.

Weekly Takeover is the perfect solution for Driving Traffic, Lead Generation and Brand Awareness.

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Golf GameBook sends newsletters to members typically once a week, with topics ranging from app updates, new Challenges and other service related topics. Reach over 612,000 subscribers globally or nationally with banners or short editorials.

Newsletter is the perfect solution for Brand Awareness.

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Interested in advertising on Golf GameBook?

Join hundreds of satisfied advertisers and achieve great results with our scalable solutions and by reaching our unique audience.

Contact us by filling out the form and we’ll find the best solution for your business needs.






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